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World Health Day Share Fair to focus on social contracting for Key Populations-led Civil Society Org

Key Populations - Strengthening Technical Assistance and Response for Sustainable HIV prevention, care and treatment (KP-STAR) project’s Chief of Party, Isabel N. Mendes-Siyamba and Human Rights Activist, Linda Baumann sat on the Good Morning Namibia show to talk about the World Health Day (WHD) Share Fair.

The first Share Fair event, held on 8 April 2022, brought together captains of industry, government ministries, development partners, KP-led CSOs and all KP-led implementing partners under the KP-STAR consortium to showcase activities and sensitise the private sector on the value of contributing to Key Populations programming to ensure continued provision of health education and access to good health for Key Populations. The event also provided an opportunity for information sharing and networking for sustainability of Key Population programming over the long term.

The KP-STAR project is funded by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the USAID - US Agency for International Development and is implemented under IntraHealth Namibia.

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